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                            BALLET ART STATE SCHOOL IN GEORGIA

                                (FROM PERINI UP TO THE PRESENT DAY)

             Vakhtang  Chabukiani  Tbilisi  Ballet  Art State School   expressed in his treatise “On Dance”: “Main task of a dancer
          carries the name of this brilliant dancer  with much pride   is to master the science of conveying the thoughts by the
          and  full responsibility.  Artistic director, teachers  and  the   body.  The dancer  must  have  the  ability to  demonstrate
          administration  of the School  do their best to assist the   clearly that which is buried in the depths of the soul. The
          School students to fully realize their potentials: to unite in   dancer should know all, starting from the chaos, from the
          them artistic  and physical energy,  to  reach synthesis of   beginning  of  the world up to  the present day”. It’s  really
          their musical, plastic and artistic  abilities.  The  teachers   quite a difficult task! But to live in art is not easy either, and
          work hard to make the future dancers be not only masterly   those, who don’t take into consideration  the thoughts of
          perfect, but also play their parts with artistic accuracy and   their ancestors, simply dance on the ballet stage. However,
          emotional  expression.  They teach their students to study   those,  who understand importance of  great art  of  dance,
          the information  about  the environment  of characters  they   they remain in the history of art.
          should dance. They teach them to improve daily their dance
          technique, to be never tired of further development  and
          study, whenever they will become members of great theaters   STORY ON HOW GEORGIANS DANCE
          or small groups, in a word to remember well the words of
          XVIII century great English ballet practitioner and theorist   A building stands in one of the streets of Tbilisi, where
          John Weaver: “I wish someone will appear to reveal to the   one can see slim, thin boys and girls walking a bit unusually,
          mankind great potentials and abilities of ballet… We should   gracefully. They walk in and out through the door and if they
          root out senseless and mechanic dance and establish the   see an adult (probably, a teacher) walking in through the
          dance full of sense and comprehension, so that people can   same door, a picture appears before the surprised passers-
          evaluate  elegance and  beauty  of ballet…There  exist no   by – the picture characteristic more to the past centuries
          good but stupid and illiterate dancers”.               than to the present XXI century. Girls stand in the pose
             Weaver’s above-cited words echo with the consideration   characteristic to the classical ballet and make deep curtesy.   37
          of II century Greek writer and art theorist Lucian of Samosata   This way  they  greet their teachers. It  is not surprising,
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