NEWS         Documentary movie "Ballet in Georgia"         NEWS         Documentary movie "Ballet in Georgia"        
Nina Ananiashvili
The Art Director
Tbilisi Ballet Art State School

Zviad Bakradze
Director of V. Chabukiani
Tbilisi Ballet Art State School

Training program


Teaching at the school is carried out on budget (state order), as well as on non-budget (commercial classes) sector.

Tuition period in the school is 8 years and it has two stages: 5 year basic art learning program and 3 year art learning program.

Budget Sector

  • 5 year basic art learning program (form 1st to 5th grade)

    • On a 1st year study at school the admission is carried out as a result of passing a competition system (three tours).
    • You can find information about admission in the terms of admission graph
    • Apart from special subjects the students are able to receive complete general education by graduating from 46th Public School, which is located in the same building. Time tables of the schools are appropriately arranged.
    • Leading discipline at school is dance. Special subjects tuition from 1st to 5th grade include following disciplines: classical dance, historical dance, characteristic dance, Georgian dance, rhythmic, actors mastery, breath and drag, the World and Georgian art history, teaching practice. At the end of each year exams for transition from one grade to another are held.
    • Certificate confirming graduation from 5 year basic art learning program is issued at the end.
  • Three year art learning program (From 6th to 8th grade by following branches: Ballet actor/actress, Field of the Modern and Characteristic dance)

  • Admission is carried out by passing competition on the 6th year of study at the school (by branches).

    Ballet dancer branch

    • The students, who have graduated from 5 year basic art learning program, or those who have received education in classic dance basic program elsewhere, which includes general program from 1st to 5th grade can be enrolled in 6th grade.
    • Apart from special subjects the students are able to receive complete general education by graduating from 46th Public School, which is located in the same building. Time tables of the schools are appropriately arranged.
    • Certificate confirming graduation from 3 year profiled art program will be issued at the end.
    • Certificate confirming graduation from 3 year profiled art program will be issued at the end.
    • You can find information about admission in the terms of admission graph

    Field of the Modern and Characteristic dance

    • Those students who accomplished 5 year Art Program at the School and have passed the relevant character dance program can be enrolled in the classes.
    • Apart from special subjects the students are able to receive complete general education by graduating from 46th Public School, which is located in the same building. Time tables of the schools are appropriately arranged.
    • Special subjects' tuition (from 6th to 8th grade) on the field of Modern and character dance include following disciplines: classic dance and plastic movement program, modern dance , teaching practice. At the end of each year exams for transition from one grade to another are held.
    • You can find information about admission in the terms of admission graph

    Non-budget sector
    On non-budget sector of the school tuition is carried out by following forms:
  • Preparatory groups

    • Tuition starts from the 1st grade till 4th in two forms: public school (for children whose age is from 6 to 9), where the education is received at 46th public school, which is located in the same building. Time tables of the schools are appropriately arranged. There are some pupils (aged from 5 to 9) in the groups, who attend other schools, or do not attend schools yet, and for them the classes start afternoon.
    • Preparatory groups aim at identifying talented children and prepare them to acquire primary school program.
    • Following disciplines are taught in both forms of study at the preparatory groups:
    • 1st and 2nd classes(classic dance, Georgian dance, historical dance, rhythmic)
    • 3rd and 4th classes:(classic dance, Georgian dance, historical dance, breath and drag, modern dance, actors mastery)
    • After graduating from preparatory group (in both forms) a pupil continues learning at the school as a result of completing competition system (three tours) in case of a pupils desire.
    • You can find information about admission in the terms of admission graph
  • 5 year basic art program

    • 5 year basic art learning program (form 1st to 5th grade)
    • On a 1st year study at school the admission is carried out as a result of passing a competition system (three tours).
    • Apart from special subjects the students are able to receive complete general education by graduating from 46th Public School, which is located in the same building. Time tables of the schools are appropriately arranged.
    • Leading discipline at school is dance. Special subjects tuition from 1st to 5th grade include following disciplines: classical dance, historical dance, characteristic dance, Georgian dance, rhythmic, actors mastery, breath and drag, the World and Georgian art history, teaching practice. At the end of each year exams for transition from one grade to another are held.
    • Certificate confirming graduation from 5 year basic art learning program is issued at the end.
    • You can find information about admission in the terms of admission graph.
  • Amateurs studio

    • Tuition is available both for Georgian and foreign pupils
    • Tuition at the Amateurs studio is allowed for:
    • Any citizen aged 4 and above;
    • The studies include classical, Georgian, characteristic and modern dances (upon request);
    • Classes are held in form of individual, group and educational classes (upon request)
    • Number of students in one class is determined individually or as a group (up to 30 students).
    • You can find information about admission in the terms of admission graph.
  • Classes at Amateurs group

    • Tuition will be carried out both for Foreign and Georgian students on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years (in accordance with 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th year study at the public schools), where 1st, 2nd, 3rd as wells as 3rd, 4th, 5th classes can be united.
    • Tuition at Amateurs groups will be carried out in the following areas:(classic dance, Georgian dance, historical dance, breath and drag, modern dance, actors mastery).
    • The number of students in one group is determined from 5 to 10 pupils. Appropriate course from overall educational program will be chosen by a teacher based on the level of the pupils in the group.
    • After completing the course the student will be granted a certificate of training courses, with subjects and number of hours specified.
    • You can find information about admission in the terms of admission graph.
  • From one month to a year study

    • Tuition will be carried out from one month to one year for foreign pupils/studentsupon request, in following subjects: classical dance, characteristic dance, historical dance, teaching stage practice.
    • After graduating from the course the student will be granted a notification about completing the course, with the subject list and hours enclosed. The fee for the course will be determined by the chosen subject.
    • You can find information about admission in the terms of admission graph.
  • From one to five years study

    • (one year/two years/three years/four years/five years study)Tuition will be carried out for foreign pupils/students, who have received basic knowledge of classic dance and desire to continue studies. Tuition will be carried out according to tuition years in different subjects: classic dance, characteristic dance, dancing in pairs, actors mastery, historical dance and stage practice.
    • Respective certificate will be issued in case of finishing art as well as profiled art program.
    • You can find information about admission in the terms of admission graph.
  • External tuition

    • Tuition is available for pupils/students who have not fully acquired knowledge in ballet art, work Ballet Company as a ballet actor/actress and desire to complete their studies.
    • Following subjects will be taught on external trainings: classical dance, characteristic dance, dance in pairs, actors mastery, learning stage practice.
    • In case of an external tuition student will study at the school for a year in accordance with the established time schedule. First semester requires one month tuition (November-December) and exam at the end of a semester. Second semester requires one month tuition (April-May) and summing up exam at the end of a semester. Students will be granted a certificate after completing the exams during the year.
    • You can find information about admission in the terms of admission graph.
  • Theatrical studio

    • Tuition will be carried out for foreign as well as for Georgian students (at 6th, 7th and 8th years of study). Following subjects will be taught at the theatrical studio: Actors mastery, vocal, speaking, set design, modern dance-plastic.
    • Students will be granted a certificate upon completion of the course.
    • You can find information about admission in the terms of admission graph.
    Documentary movie
    "Ballet in Georgia"

    Graduation performances
    Adventure of Ballet
    Art School in Georgia


    1 V. Vekua, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia
    Tel: 98 60 41, 93 12 63,
    Tel../Fax (+ 99532 ) 98 86 49


    © Copyright 2007 V. Chabukiani Tbilisi Ballet Art State School .
    Site created 2007.Tbilisi.Georgia